While our atmosphere is relaxed, our equipment and facilities are at the forefront of medical technology and practice.
We have private rooms designed for total hip and knee surgery.
The hospital features 7 operating theatres equipped with the latest technology to assist surgeons perform state of the art orthopaedic procedures. These include:
- Stryker Navigation System - an advanced computer-assisted 3D surgical monitoring program that helps the surgeon more precisely align a hip or knee implant
- Hip Arthroscopy - specialised positioning devices and equipment
- Mini C-Arm - imaging system that facilitates surgical procedures of the hand and foot
- Spider Arm - specialty shoulder positioning device, facilitating upper limb procedures
- Image Intensifier - used to optimise medical images with an X-ray imaging system in theatre
A diagnostic imaging service is located onsite, encompassing a range of modalities, from plain X-Rays to CT Scanning.