Waverley Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

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How to refer a patient

A Directory of Visiting Medical Officers can be found here.

Doctors seeking accreditation at Waverley Private Hospital should contact the Executive Office for further information.

Executive Office phone number (03) 9881 7772.


Waverley Private Hospital provides a priority direct admission service for medical and surgical patients with private health insurance and DVA Gold Card holders.

No Admission Fees

24/7 days per week

Admission Hotline: 0438 127 788


Providing local services to the Eastern Melbourne community

The Waverley Private Day Infusion Service specialises in the care and support of patients receiving day medical therapy (usually by IV infusion), often used for the treatment or management of chronic illness and cancer.

For bookings, please contact the booking Coordinator on 03 9881 7779 between 9:00am - 5:00pm, Monday to Friday, or email theatrebookings.wvp@ramsayhealth.com.au.

See information on Day Infusion Centre

GP Direct Access




Day Infusion Centre